Monday, September 27, 2010

Dallmayr Crema d'oro Intensa Pads 116g - 5er Karton (5 x 16 Pads)

Dallmayr Crema d'oro Intensa Pads 116g - 5er Karton (5 x 16 Pads) Review

Tja... ich kann wirklich sagen das ich wochen lang verschiedene pads probiert habe - alle grossen marken, und dabei haben mir diese Dallmayr Intensa pads wirklich am allerbesten geschmeckt. Toll finde ich auch das Amazon immer frisch produzierte ware auf lager hat, anstadt wie beim laden an der ecke ist die ware zwar immer noch nicht laut verfallsdatum abgelaufen, ist zwar aber nicht so kuerzlich produziert geworden wie die ware hier bei

Die pads sind natuerlich genau die gleichen wie im regal, aber halt super schnell geliefert und ohne jeglichen defekt. Danke an Amazon - ich kaufe immer wieder, und wieder und wieder. :)

Dallmayr Crema d'oro Intensa Pads 116g - 5er Karton (5 x 16 Pads) Feature

  • Dallmayr Kaffeespezialität als Padgenuss
  • Speziell für kleine Haushalte: Tasse für Tasse frisch zubereitet
  • Mit feiner Crema und leichter Espressonote - perfekt auch als Cappuccino oder Latte Macchiato
  • Ideal für alle Kaffeepad-Maschinen
  • Intensives, vollmundig würziges Aroma

Dallmayr Crema d'oro Intensa Pads 116g - 5er Karton (5 x 16 Pads) Overview

Der neue Spitzengenuss mit intensivem Aroma.

Wer kräftigen Kaffeegenuss auf moderne Art schätzt, wird von Dallmayr Crema d´Oro intensa begeistert sein. Die Tradition feinster Qualität setzt das Haus Dallmayr mit dieser Marke konsequent fort. Ideal für alle Kaffeepad-Maschinen.

Lieferumfang: 5 Packungen Dallmayr Crema d Oro intensa Kaffeepads
Inhalt pro Packung: 16 Kaffeepads mit je 7,25g/ 116g

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Sep 27, 2010 08:37:31

Thanks To : kaffeepadmaschinentest

Sunday, September 26, 2010

The DeLonghi Magnifica Coffee And Espresso Machine Is an Affordable Indulgence

DeLonghi produces a remarkable espresso machine, the ESAM 3300 Magnifica coffee and espresso machine. This machine, with it's sleek design, it's amazingly lengthy checklist of features, and it's incredible brew quality, is just one more impressive device from certainly one of Italy's premier espresso machine producers.

Just four buttons and two dials operate many of the Magnifica coffee machine's functions, making it extremely user friendly. The buttons allow you to turn the machine on and off, select the hot h2o setting, or choose between making 1 cup or 2 cups. The two dials adjust the h2o volume setting, and the ground coffee quantity setting. These few buttons and dials let you literally customize your Magnifica coffee or espresso just the way in which you like it.

By changing the volume of water utilized, or the volume of ground coffee used, or both, you have total control over the strength and taste of your espresso. The more ground coffee that you set the machine to use the stronger the taste will be; a weaker cup of espresso will result whenever you dial down the volume of ground coffee used.

The grind of the bean will also affect the taste of your espresso. The conical burr grinder on the Magnifica coffee and espresso machine offers a choice of 7 different grind settings, from fine to coarse. You may have to experiment with various grind setting to discover the one that suits your tastes. Personally I have found that the 5 setting is best for me. Remember, if your grind is too coarse you will get a watery, weak espresso. A grind that is too fine will result in your espresso being too bitter.

Real espresso machines are not inexpensive. But then an espresso is not just a cup of coffee. True espresso aficionados will know precisely what I mean.

The DeLonghi Magnifica coffee and espresso machine is an affordable, well-deserved gift to yourself that you will appreciate for years to come. Owning one is really a symbol of good taste, style, and sophistication, which your family, friends, and neighbors will recognize when you serve them one of your exquisite espresso drinks.

And you are able to say goodbye to the hassle and high prices that you have been paying for years at your neighborhood Starbucks.

If you appreciate a great espresso then you deserve to splurge on yourself. Nothing quite compares to a really great espresso drink. And you deserve to appreciate one of life's more simple pleasures.

Visit : kaffeepadmaschinentest

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Coffee Machines in Offices

There is nothing like a good cup of coffee while at work, and having coffee machines in offices is an ideal way to have it. The morning seems to be the best time to enjoy that coffee. The office coffee machines are usually in a separate room and office workers usually take turns making the coffee and cleaning up. The smell of coffee brewing in the office in the morning is enough to give anyone that get up and go that they need to get the work started. It's also a nice place to visit with co-workers before getting the work day started.

A coffee machine at work is also wonderful when it comes to coffee break time. The coffee machine is close enough to get to that it doesn't take up the whole break time. This is another time when co-workers can socialize, gossip and catch up on what's happening in the day so far. The coffee break is also a good time to clean the machine and make some fresh coffee. Once again, when the aroma of the fresh coffee reaches the office, everyone will come running to grab a fresh cup of java.

There's always a time of the day, usually in the afternoon, when fatigue starts to set in. This is another perfect time to get another cup of coffee. This extra cup is just enough to give that boost of stamina to finish off the day with a bang.

There have been medical studies done to find out if coffee is bad for you or good for you. At one time, it was said that it was bad. Now, the studies have proven that coffee is actually good for you. It is a safe way to get a caffeine stimulant. They have found that it also is good for the heart and has other health benefits. The only part of the coffee that may be bad, is drinking too much of it. However, just like anything else, too much is never good for you. And, with coffee, there's always that choice of decaf.

For more information visit: coffee machines

Friends Link : kaffeepadmaschinentest

Friday, September 24, 2010

BEEM D2000.604 Fresh Aromat Perfect, Kaffeemaschine mit Mahlwerk

BEEM D2000.604 Fresh Aromat Perfect, Kaffeemaschine mit Mahlwerk Review

...sind wir mit unserer neuen Kaffeemaschine von Beem. Seit einer Woche nun ziert sie mit ihrem hübschen, ansprechenden und funktionellem Design unsere Küche. Dabei verhält sie sich, was den Platzbedarf angeht, recht bescheiden. Auch die Größe der Maschine war für uns ein Kriterium bei der Kaufentscheidung, weil unsere Küche recht klein ist.
Besucht man die Homepage von Beem, stellt man dort fest, daß die Maschine beim Hersteller 189 Euro kostet.
Ein deutsches Versandhaus (das mit den vier Buchstaben) bietet in seinem aktuellen Katalog die Maschine für 129 Euro an.
Da ist das hier natürlich ein unschlagbarer Schnäppchenpreis!
Die Lieferung erfolgte binnen 36 Stunden nach Bestellung, die Maschine war bestens verpackt und kam hier offensichtlich neu an.
In einer Rezension hier steht, die Maschine habe bereits bei Lieferung Gebrauchsspuren aufgewiesen: Der Hersteller weist aber auch ausdrücklich darauf hin, daß das Gerät getestet wird, bevor es an den Kunden verschickt wird.
Andere Rezensenten beschreiben, man könne die Glaskanne nicht entnehmen, wenn der Filterbehälter der Maschine eingerastet sei, und umgekehrt den Filterbehälter nicht einrasten, wenn die Glaskanne druntersteht.
STIMMT NICHT! Bei uns funktioniert das problemlos.
Und wenn's nicht so wäre, fänden wir das auch nicht schlimm: An die Handgriffe in bestimmter Reihenfolge beim Bedienen der Maschine hat man sich ja schnell gewöhnt...

So leckeren Kaffee haben wir lange nicht getrunken! Dabei haben wir nicht die Kaffeesorte gewechselt: Mit der vorherigen Maschine haben wir genau die gleichen Bohnen vom Disconter benutzt, wie jetzt mit der Beem. Wahrscheinlich liegt's am Kohlefilter, der das Wasser ja weicher und somit den Kaffee aromatischer macht?
Spielen kann man auch mit dem Mahlgrad des geräuscharm arbeitenden Mahlwerks und der 3 stufigen Auswahlmöglichkeit für die Stärke des Kaffees, der Wassermenge, der Kaffeesorte: Die Maschine bietet viele Variationsmöglichkeiten.
Zum Kohlefilter möchte ich noch bemerken, daß die Maschine im Display mit einem Smiley zeigt, wann der Kohlefilter ausgewechselt werden muß (nach 70 Arbeitsgängen.): Das empfinde ich als sehr angenehm.
Sehr gut gelöst auch die beim Öffnen des Wassertanks klar ablesbare Skala für die Wasserfüllmenge!
Nach dem Brühvorgang, der übrigens recht schnell und geräuscharm vonstatten geht, wird der Kaffee 2 Stunden lang richtig schön heiß gehalten von der Warmhalteplatte.
nach 2 Stunden schaltet sich die Maschine automatisch ab, was eventuellen Unfällen durch Schusselei vorbeugt.
Ein Stern hier auch für diese schlaue Sicherheitsfunktion!

Die Maschine läßt sich sehr gut bedienen, dank verständlich gestalteter Anleitung(ist ja auch von einem deutschen Hersteller!)und übersichtlichem Display und Bedienelementen.
Auch die Timerfunktion haben wir schon getestet: Wunderbar, nach Hause zu kommen und vom Kaffeeduft begrüßt zu werden! Als wären die Heinzelmännchen da gewesen...

Fazit: Wir sind voll und ganz zufrieden mit unserer Beem!

BEEM D2000.604 Fresh Aromat Perfect, Kaffeemaschine mit Mahlwerk Feature

  • Mahlgrad in 5 Stufen einstellbar
  • Mit Aktiv-Kohlefilter im Wassertank
  • Mahlt die gewünschte Menge an Kaffeebohnen und transportiert den gemahlenen Kaffee zum Filter
  • Mit 24 Stunden Zeitschaltuhr
  • Ca. 1.5 Liter Wassertank mit Wasserfüllstandsanzeige

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Sep 24, 2010 08:21:23

My Links : kaffeepadmaschinentest

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Inventum Cafe Invento HK5W Kaffeepadmaschine weiß

Inventum Cafe Invento HK5W Kaffeepadmaschine weiß Review

Watch Video Here: Sehr schön kompakt in den Maßen und trotzdem ein genügend großer Wassertank (1,3ltr - 10x kleine Tasse, 7x große Tasse oder 18 Espresso).
Der Kaffee kommt heiß genug aus der Maschine, Tassen vorwärmen ist eigentlich nicht nötig.
Sehr schön der Multi-Padhalter(also nur ein Halter für 1 oder 2 Pad).
Die Maschine ist auch schön leise und macht tolle Crema.
Ein Plus ist natürlich das man die Wassermenge/Kaffestärke selbst schnell wählen kann und somit den Geschmack für sich selbst anpassen kann (schmeckt keineswegs wässrig mit etwas mehr Wasser).
Die Teile die mit Kaffee in Berührung kommen lassen sich alle leicht entnehmen und auch in der Spülmaschine reinigen.

Ach ja, die Schublade wird ja automatisch verriegelt bei Brühbeginn und nach Brühende dauert es ca. 15 Sek. bis die Schublade zum öffnen wieder freigegeben wird. Das sehe ich also jetzt nicht als Manko da ich eh kurz warte wegen dem Nachtropfen nach dem Brühen (was eigentlich bei jeder Maschine so ist).

Also ich werde diese Maschine weiterempfehlen.

Inventum Cafe Invento HK5W Kaffeepadmaschine weiß Feature

  • weiß

Inventum Cafe Invento HK5W Kaffeepadmaschine weiß Overview

Inventum HK 5 W

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Sep 23, 2010 08:15:40

Related : kaffeepadmaschinentest

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

The Best Automatic Espresso Machine on the Market - Which One to Buy?

Today's market is so saturated with coffee makers that it's hard to make a choice. Every manufacturer wants you to believe that their product is the best. So which one is really the best one for you, personally? If you are looking for the best automatic Espresso machines, you've come to the right place. I have compiled a list of my favorites right here for your reading pleasure!

Solis Master 5000 Super Automatic Espresso

This machine is a very compact unit, and yet it has many features. This small Espresso maker packs a lot of power as well. You can brew a cup in mere seconds. To improve the flavor of the shot, the coffee grinds are premoistened during the brewing process. This also gives you more cream. This unit cleans itself. It has a frothing wand and a large water reservoir. This baby can make up to 20 cups of coffee before your coffee grinds run out.

Saeco Charisma Automatic Espresso Machine

This unit is fully automatic. It produces a superb shot of Espresso with the push of a button. It cleans itself afterwards. This machine contains a bypass doser which allows you to switch coffee in case you want something else besides what is currently in the grind hopper. The conical burr grinder has 18 settings so that you can regulate the fineness of your own Espresso to great accuracy.

Delonghi Magnifica Automatic Espresso Machine

The integrated burr grinder will grind your fresh coffee beans for you. You can also make Cappuccinos with this because of the wand and milk frothing chamber. There are separate controls for water and coffee quantity. You can use this to customize the strength of your shots to suit your personal taste.

Bosch Benevenuto Gourmet Super Automatic Espresso Machine

This is the machine that has all the features you dream of. And yet, the controls on this unit are simple and very user friendly. The back lit display shows you what kind of attention it needs. This might be a water refill or an emptying of the used coffee grinds. You can also use it to dispense hot water for when you want to have tea.

Gaggia Syncrony Compact Espresso Machine

The machine that provides you with commercial quality Espresso. Not the smallest machine out there, but it will still fit on most people's countertop. The machine has a 44oz water reservoir, which allows you to make many cups of Espresso before you run out. The digital controls on this machine gives you completely control over the Espresso extraction.

Related : kaffeepadmaschinentest

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Philips HD 7982/70 Senseo Wassertank XL passend für HD 7810

Philips HD 7982/70 Senseo Wassertank XL passend für HD 7810 Review

+ Viel Wasser!
+ Gute Griffe. Der volle Tank wird recht schwer, lässt sich aber wegen der guten Griffe sicher halten.

0 Die Optik. Einige finden den Tank hässlich andere nicht. Mir ist es egal. Die Senseo ist meiner Meinung nach weder hässlicher noch schöner mit dem großen Wassertank.

- Der Schwimmer. Ich musste leider ein Stern für den Schwimmer abziehen. Er Verhakt sich manchmal und die Senseo denkt dann, dass der Wassertank leer ist. Ein leichtes Dagegenklopfen mit dem Finger behebt das Problem aber.

Dieser Wassertank verdoppelt den Wasservorrat. Wer vom ewigen auffüllen des mitgelieferten Wassertanks genervt ist, braucht diesen Tank!

Philips HD 7982/70 Senseo Wassertank XL passend für HD 7810 Feature

  • Großer abnehmbarer Wassertank (1500 ml) für bis zu 10 Tassen Senseo
  • Für Senseo Kaffeemaschinen Modelle HD7810
  • Spülmaschinengeeignet
  • 2 Griff-Bereiche für einfaches Tragen
  • Farbe: perlblau

Philips HD 7982/70 Senseo Wassertank XL passend für HD 7810 Overview

Abnehmbarer 1500ml Wassertank für Senseo Kaffeemaschinen HD 7810 bis HD 7814, spülmaschinengeeignet, 2-Griff-Bereiche für einfaches Tragen, Farbe: Perlblau

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Sep 21, 2010 08:00:37

See Also : kaffeepadmaschinentest

Monday, September 20, 2010

Tristar KZ-1216 Kaffeemaschine, 2 Tassen schwarz

Tristar KZ-1216 Kaffeemaschine, 2 Tassen schwarz Review

Ich habe eine kleine Kaffeemaschine für die Arbeit gesucht und bin hiermit fündig geworden.

Nach dem Auspacken wollte der Kaffee natürlich probiert werden. Nach zwei Reinigungsläufen den Dauerfilter bestückt und eine (ordentlich große) Tasse untergestellt. Die zwei mitgelieferten Tassen sind zwar ganz nett und sehen auch nicht übel aus, aber wenn jemand mehr als zwei Schluck Kaffee genießen möchte und nur eine(!) Tasse spülen will, sollte man eine Alternative parat haben ;-)

Der Kaffee hat überraschend gut geschmeckt und die Zubereitung ging relativ schnell. Man kann es nicht direkt mit Pad-Kaffee vergleichen, aber er kann sich auf jeden Fall sehen lassen.

Dem Permanentfilter vertraue ich allerdings nicht vollkommen: Das Gewebe ist sehr dünn und ich fürchte, er wird intensive Nutzung nicht lange überleben. Wer eher auf Ästhetik könnte sich an einer recht rasche Verfärbung des weißen Kunststoffes stören, aber mir ist das relativ egal, steckt ohnehin in der Maschine. (Als Alternativplan lassen sich allerdings normale Filtertüten Größe 4 verwenden, einmal in der Mitte durchgerissen und gefalten ergeben sie einen wunderbaren Ersatz für den Dauerfilter)

Alles in allem ist das eine nette Maschine für den kleinen Kaffee zwischendurch, wenn man keine Lust hat, die doch etwas teureren Pads zu kaufen....

Tristar KZ-1216 Kaffeemaschine, 2 Tassen schwarz Feature

  • Mit auswaschbarem Kaffeefilter; einfacher und schneller Kaffeegenuß
  • An-/Aus-Leuchte
  • Anti-Tropfschutz
  • Geeignet für 1 oder 2 Tassen mit Warmhalteplatte
  • Ergonomisch tragbares Design

Tristar KZ-1216 Kaffeemaschine, 2 Tassen schwarz Overview

Die Tristar-Kaffeemaschine KZ-1216 zeichnet sich vor allem durch ihre handliche Form und ihre Mobilität aus. Perfekt für den Campingurlaub oder den Kaffee zwischendurch: dieses Gerät ist klein, handlich und einfach zu bedienen. Der wiederverwendbare Kaffeefilter sorgt dafür, daß einem beim Campingurlaub nicht die Papierfilter ausgehen und man Kaffee-mäßig "auf dem Trockenen" sitzt. Die niedrige Wattzahl macht ihn perfekt für den Campingurlaub. Die Kaffeemaschine wird als Paket, zusammen mit zwei hitzebeständigen Tassen geliefert.

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Sep 20, 2010 07:55:17

Tags : kaffeepadmaschinentest

Saturday, September 18, 2010

How to Use an Espresso Machine

In order to produce a create coffee drink of espresso - one requires a dedicated machine that delivers a highly pressurized stream of hot water necessary for processing this particular kind of fine, powder-like ground coffee. With a thicker consistency than drip coffee, little amounts of espresso are usually served - often as a shot. However, it is very common to see espresso mixed with other beverages, such as cappuccino and lattes, in an attempt to lessen the strong taste and level of caffeine.

With a history that dates back to the early 20th century in Milan, Italy - espresso has become a famous drink amongst coffee lovers. This trend has prompted an increasing number of people to purchase their own espresso coffee machines in order to bring home the taste they deeply enjoy.

Before you attempt to use your espresso machine (depending on your model), you will probably need to get an espresso grinder and espresso beans, demitasse cups, and water. When approaching the topic of water in regards to using your espresso machine, it is suggested to keep in mind that bottled spring water is not the premium choice for your machine. The amount of minerals found in spring water will spoil your espresso machine. Alternatively, it is preferable to use water that has gone through a process of filtration.

To get an overview of how to use an espresso machine, an example of instructions is posted below:

1) First, you will pour clear, cold water into the water enclosure of your machine. The boiler cap on your unit should be closed. In order to create one shot of espresso - one ounce of water is needed. A double shot requires two ounces. Depending on your espresso machine, you may be able to produce up to four shots at one time.

2) Position the coffee basket in the filter holder, followed by lightly packing in the ground coffee. Most filters will provide a way to measure how much espresso you are creating.

3) Next, you will remove any grounds found on the sides and top of the filter. The filter holder is then placed in the espresso machine.

4) If your machine comes with a glass carafe, this is the time where you position the carafe under the spout. When no carafe is available, a cup is enough. Turn on the machine and in due time - the water is heated to the appropriate temperature and then forced through the coffee grounds.

5) The ideal espresso shot delivers brown foam (referred to as "crema") to the top of the coffee as it begins to flow into your container. When the foam starts to turn white, this is an indication that the liquid with the best taste is no longer exiting the machine. Quickly remove your cup or carafe.

When looking for the proper beans to use with your espresso machine, you should know that specially selected and roasted options are found at major supermarket chains or coffee specialty shops. Serious espresso drinkers normally purchase an espresso grinder and produce their own ground coffee before brewing.

Recommend : kaffeepadmaschinentest

Friday, September 17, 2010

Best Coffee Maker - Review and Tips

Before you choose the best coffee maker for your home, you must recognize your own needs from this machine. Since each person has their own requirement it is impossible to say that one type of machine will give optimum benefit for every individual. It will differ for each different location, lifestyle and culture.

This machine can be classified by its function. Each of them offered different way in brewing such as vacuum, drip or traditional espresso maker. You can also choose between processes it manually or electrically. For caffeine lovers who prefer to buy coffee beans in its original shape, a machine with beans grinder as its additional feature are recommended.

The number of caffeine lovers in your home should also be a consideration before you buy this machine. For you who are living single or drink not more than a cup in a day, then single cup coffee maker may suitable for you. A larger family or a small office can choose a machine that serves 4 to 6 cups of drinks. There are also larger machine that can serve up to 20 cups, which would be fit to a larger office. Many machine also completed with thermostat and warming plate that will help to keep the beverage warm after a few hours. Other popular feature is frothing system that helps you to serve professional looking espresso just like one you buy in the cafe.

If you're a design-oriented person, you shouldn't have to worry since there are various designs and colors available in the market. You can easily match it with your style or your kitchen's color easily. Still, the most important thing is to choose one with qualified materials. A carafe made from stainless steel completed with shatterproof will ensure its safety.

There are many brands available in the market such as Krupps, Cuisinart, Delonghi and more where you can choose your best coffee maker. It is recommended to do some research first through internet to get the right coffee maker or its accessories with good quality, performance, value, and delivery service for you. Although it is just a small task, you can get huge benefit from it.

Thanks To : kaffeepadmaschinentest

Thursday, September 16, 2010

WMF 1 Kaffeepadmaschine Silver

WMF 1 Kaffeepadmaschine Silver Review

WMF 1 Kaffeepadmaschine Silver Feature

  • ? Padgröße 7 cm
  • V 125 ml
  • B 20 cm
  • H 20 cm

WMF 1 Kaffeepadmaschine Silver Overview

Die Kaffeepadmaschine WMF 1 für portionierten Filterkaffee im Pad. WMF 1 überrascht mit außergewöhnlichem Design und Formgebung. Die integrierte Tasse macht jede Kaffeepause zu einem besonderen Ereignis. Die Kaffeepadmaschine lässt sich nahezu überall dort verwenden wo man frisch gebrühten Kaffee genießen möchte: im Büro, auf der Terrasse oder sogar im Schlafzimmer.

In weniger als einer Minute bereitet Ihre WMF 1 eine Tasse duftend frischen Kaffee zu. Der Wassertank fasst so viel, wie Sie für eine Tasse Kaffee brauchen. Sie brühen also immer mit frischem Wasser.
Legen Sie in den Padhalter ein handelsübliches Kaffeepad Ihrer Wahl. Einfach Knopf drücken und in weniger als einer Minute ist Ihre Tasse duftend frischer Kaffee fertig.

Technische Details:
Integrierter Wassertank, Kabelaufwicklung im Boden, Einknopfbedienung, Nennleistung 1,4 kW, Netzanschluss 220-230 V, 50-60 HZ, Leergewicht 1700 g

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Sep 16, 2010 06:25:39

My Links : kaffeepadmaschinentest

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Top 5 Best-Selling Coffee Makers

Coffee is the number one breakfast drink the world over. There are very few places that do not serve this staple and that is a very good thing to say the least. So many people depend on this drink for that bit of energy in the morning to get through the day and of course there is some big business when it comes to coffee and the coffee maker. The business that surrounds this part of the world is big and more and more people are trying to get in on it. This means that there is more than enough competition to make the best in coffee maker products that the world has seen. This is an important thing to a good many people as the coffee maker is the number one appliance in their home.

Bunn is the best-selling coffee maker currently on the market. For a good many years the company was not making products for the home, but instead only those for the many businesses that served the drink. This has all changed as the Bunn company has seen the demand for their top quality coffee maker products for the home. This has brought new levels of financial stability to the company and they are enjoying the success overall.

Senso makes a great coffee maker as well and they are second only to Bunn in terms of quality and sales. This is normal when you see the many products that they offer. Some of the finest makers are brought out by this company and there are a good many people who make the best coffee with them. They are a staple in the restaurants across the world as well.

Cuisinart is a big name in the small home appliance world and their coffee makers make that statement as well. While they have not always been in this business, they are making a mark across the world with the new lines. Many people trust this company more than many others because of the attention to detail and quality that they have always had.

Keurig is one of the newer players in the coffee maker game but that does not mean they are anything but great. They have makers that will do just about everything for you and they are of the best construction to boot.

Krups is a fine company that does offer some fine coffee makers. There have been a few problems with the company as they were plagued by some recalls when they tried to out-source some of the products and took a big hit in the process.

See Also : kaffeepadmaschinentest

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Joy of Drinking an Espresso Coffee

This type of coffee is one that is made by a high-pressure approach in which hot water under pressure is made to move through the grounds. The translation of Espresso from Italian is "pressed out" The first espresso coffee machine was brought out in Italy around the early 1900 and since then it has seen a whole lot of changes. Today, these machines are so high-tech that they are able to make coffee using various hot water pressures, drawing different coffee tastes from the grounds base on how the person likes it. The person who works an coffee machine is deemed to be a coffee expert and is denoted to as a "barista". Coffee machines are fitted with handles, which are used by baristas when they want to produce a cup of coffee. This act of pulling the lever is termed as "shot pulling".

The most measurable extract in espresso coffee is the "crema". Crema is the reddish foam that you can see afloat on top of the drink. It is a mixture of natural components oils, proteins and sugar, present in the coffee grounds. The crema combined with the caffeine in the natural coffee produces a thick syrupy liquid that is rich, full of divine odour, and great to taste. Usually, it takes a barista about half a minute to pull a shot of espresso coffee. A freshly brewed coffee must not be stored, as it will lose its fresh taste and flavor.

Great Espresso Essentials

You probably have consumed many espresso coffees in your life and may feel that you are numero uno in revealing a great drink from a average one. Possibly you are right, but here are the necessities that a coffee drinker should know:

The roasted beans used should not be more than 2-4 days old.
The beans should not be roasted dark; else they will lose their natural components.
Use a good quality grinder to evenly grind the beans.
The beans should be freshly ground, preferably 30 seconds before producing a shot.
The water that a barista uses in an espresso machine has to be filtered.
The espresso cup must be pre-warmed not from the shot poured into it, nor from the espresso machine. The cup should have thick walls and a narrow mouth so that it keeps aroma and taste of the espresso coffee.

Maybe you should check with your barista if he knows of these guidelines. Ultimately, there is nothing like a perfect drink. So long as you get a high quality espresso coffee, you should be delighted.

Friends Link : kaffeepadmaschinentest

Monday, September 13, 2010

Douwe Egberts Senseo Kaffeepads 138 Stück - 10 Sorten gemischt - Kaffee Pads

Douwe Egberts Senseo Kaffeepads 138 Stück - 10 Sorten gemischt - Kaffee Pads Review

Douwe Egberts Senseo Kaffeepads 138 Stück - 10 Sorten gemischt - Kaffee Pads Feature

  • Originale Douwe Egberts Kaffeepads
  • Für Senseo Kaffeemaschinen
  • 10 verschiedene Sorten
  • Insgesamt 138 Kaffeepads

Douwe Egberts Senseo Kaffeepads 138 Stück - 10 Sorten gemischt - Kaffee Pads Overview

Originale Douwe Egberts Kaffee Pads für die Senseo Kaffeemaschinen. 10 verschiedene Sorten gemischt im Paket. Zusammen sind es 138 Kaffe Pads.

Im Paket enthalten sind:
  • 1x Normale Röstung
  • 1x Dunkle Röstung
  • 1x Milde Röstung
  • 1x Entkoffeiniert
  • 1x Vienna
  • 1x Sevilla
  • 1x Rio de Janeiro
  • 1x Presso
  • 1x Café Choco
  • 1x Cappuccino

  • Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

    *** Product Information and Prices Stored: Sep 13, 2010 04:11:50

    See Also : kaffeepadmaschinentest

    Sunday, September 12, 2010

    Best Pod Coffee Maker For Brewing Coffee Your Way

    Pod coffee makers are becoming more common in stores today as they have some pretty compelling advantages over traditional drip machines. If you are someone who likes a variety and drinks your favorite blend on the go then they could be the right choice for you. Do you find yourself throwing out most of the pot you brew every morning? If so you should look at a single cup machine, or perhaps one that uses pods. However, it can be difficult finding the best pod coffee maker with the sheer number of brands and models offered today.

    Look For A Brand You Can Trust

    With any new product, especially one that you hope will last for many years, it is important to buy from a company that you recognize and trust will stand behind it. When buying a new coffee maker, you really are investing in something that will become a big part of your daily routine so it makes sense to find the right machine. Keurig is one of those companies that has a large following and it's easy to see why. Their coffee makers are always rated high by consumers as they have the features people want and are built to last for many years.

    The Special Edition Keurig B60 Coffee Maker

    The Keurig B60 is perhaps the most popular machine in their lineup. While it is not the cheapest in terms of price, it is not the most expensive as well. It brings together many of the features you would like in the best pod home brewer but not more than you will ever use. With the Special Edition you can brew one K-Cup at a time without the normal setup and cleanup required of other machines. The Keurig One Touch technology makes it easy for anybody to get their favorite flavor in no time, including tea or hot chocolate.

    A Machine With A Lot To Offer

    With the B60, you can choose from three different brewing sizes from a normal sized coffee cup to a large sized travel mug. A variety of temperature controls will appeal to many different tastes, and an LCD programmer gives you the modern feel that you expect from a new coffeemaker. It's pretty easy to get going with it as you simply insert the desired coffee pod, make sure the water reservoir has enough water, and press the brew button. There are no paper filters to mess with and no grounds either. And the huge variety of k-cups and pods means that you will never tire of drinking the same flavor every day.

    Positive Consumer Reviews Are Telling

    If you do any research on the Keurig B60 you will quickly realize just how highly rated it is. Reviews are very positive from all over the web and for good reason. The company stands behind this quality coffee maker and it really appeals to most coffee lovers in terms of features and value for the money.

    Recommend : kaffeepadmaschinentest

    Saturday, September 11, 2010

    DeLonghi EN 680.M Espressomaschine Lattissima NESPRESSO - Testsieger 12/2008

    DeLonghi EN 680.M Espressomaschine Lattissima NESPRESSO - Testsieger 12/2008 Review

    Nach langem Vergleichen & auf Empfehlung eines Freundes habe ich mich erstmals für das Nespressosystem von DeLonghi entschieden und muss sagen: Ich bin begeistert. Die Maschine ist in einer Minute betriebsbereit. Der Kaffee schmeckt wirklich toll, ich bevorzuge die stärkeren Sorten und eine Latte Macchiato. Die verschiedenen Zubereitungsarten (Espresso, Lungo, Capuccino & Latte Macchiato) funktionieren einfach auf Knopfdruck.
    Man sollte die Maschine am Besten nach jedem Gebrauch spülen (was sehr einfach funktioniert). Kleines Manko: Wenn man die Milch direkt aus dem Kühlschrank holt und dann sofort eine Latte Macchiato zubereitet, wird die Milch nicht optimal warm. Dem kann man Abhilfe schaffen, indem man die Milch ein paar Minuten bei Zimmertemperatur stehen lässt.
    Ich würde die Maschine jedenfalls jeder Zeit wieder kaufen & freue mich jetzt jeden Morgen auf meinen Kaffee. Der Preisnachteil durch die etwas teueren Kapseln wird meiner Meinung nach durch den Geschmack mehr als ausgeglichen. Der Support & die Lieferung des Kaffee seitens den "Nespresso Clubs" funktionieren einwandfrei.
    Zur Haltbarkeit der Maschine kann ich natürlich noch nichts sagen.

    DeLonghi EN 680.M Espressomaschine Lattissima NESPRESSO - Testsieger 12/2008 Feature

    • Auswahl auf Tastendruck: Espresso, Lungo, Cappuccino oder Latte Macchiato
    • Milchbehälter mit Auto-Clean-Funktion: per Knopfdruck reinigen sich die Milchschaumleitungen
    • Energiespar-Funktion
    • Verstellbare Abtropfschale für Tassen und Latte Macchiato-Gläser
    • Heißwasser-Funktion

    DeLonghi EN 680.M Espressomaschine Lattissima NESPRESSO - Testsieger 12/2008 Overview

    DeLonghi EN 680 M Lattisima

    Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

    *** Product Information and Prices Stored: Sep 11, 2010 00:50:43

    Recommend : kaffeepadmaschinentest

    Thursday, September 9, 2010

    Coffee in the Office - The Flavia Drinks Machine

    In this latest article of our 'Coffee in the Office' series we take a look at the Flavia filter-pack drinks machine.

    The Flavia range of drinks machines work in an unusual and ingenious manner to serve a wide variety of top quality delicious drinks to the end user. After the drink choice has been made the appropriate drink foil pack is inserted into the machine, a cup is placed underneath and a button is pressed. Hot water is then forced into the foil pack to release the full flavour of the drink as it is dispensed into the cup.

    Each drink is individually made and there is no cross contamination of flavours between different drink types. The machine has very low maintenance and can be plumbed in or just topped up with fresh water as required. Since no cup is dispensed the user has the choice to use their own cup or use branded Flavia waxed paper cups that can be provided by your supplier together with sugar sticks, stirrers, cup holders etc if required.

    The Flavia machine is best used in a supervised environment as the ingredients are selected from a display case and there is no security. It is also best used in a low volume office type environment where drink choice and quality is paramount rather than serving a large number of people.

    The main advantage of this type of machine is the sheer quality of the drinks produced and the amazing choice of drinks available. A huge number of fresh ground coffees are offered of different types of coffee beans and roasts, fresh leaf teas, specialty drinks, specialty teas, chocolates and even fruit infusions and green teas. Note however that the drinks are usually sold from the supplier in cases of 80 so in reality most offices will want to limit the range of drinks offered although they can of course order different products each time they order.

    Although the cost of the machine is relatively low when compared to other types of drinks dispensing machine (allowing the possibility of multiple machine sites) the individual drink cost is quite high and can prove prohibitive.

    The Flavia option is not the solution for high volume sites, sites requiring security of ingredients nor for those requiring a coin controlled system.

    However in the right environment the Flavia drinks system can be the perfect high quality solution for satisfying discerning drinkers at all times of the day.

    Thanks To : kaffeepadmaschinentest

    Wednesday, September 8, 2010

    How to Pick the Best Grind and Brew Coffee Maker

    Grind and brew coffee maker has the convenience of both a grinder and a brewer in one machine. You will be faced with an array of choices in the market today so it is better to know before hand what you are looking for so you will have a wise purchase.

    The following are some things you need to look for in a grind and brewer:

    A Detachable Conical Burr Grinder
    There are different types of grinder. The best one is the conical burr grinder. This is because it is very efficient in evenly grinding coffee beans. Also, a conical burr grinder usually has more power in grinding coffee but it infuses less heat so the coffee still comes out fresh.

    Pick one that can be detached so you can easily pour it in the brewing receptacle or easily clean it. Also, one integrated with different grinding levels is a better option as it lets you pick the coffee grounds consistency you are looking for. One with a grind-off feature is also good so it can let you use either function separately.

    A Conical Coffee Filter With Showerhead Feature
    If your old coffee brewer brews coffee that tastes bland, it may be because of the coffee filter basket it uses. A good coffee filter can aid in the extraction of more coffee essential oil resulting to a better-tasting coffee. If you pick one with a showerhead, you can be assured that the coffee will taste flavorful.

    Timer Options
    A fully programmable coffee machine is a good choice for those who want total convenience. Pick one integrated with a timer option. You just have to dump the coffee beans in the grinder receptacle and set the timer. The coffee machine will do its thing the next morning so you don't have to get up earlier to grind and brew your coffee.

    Automatic Shut Off Feature
    This is a feature that is helpful especially when you are always on the go and you frequently forget that you did not turn off your coffee brewer. It turns off after a few hours of being idle so you also save much on electricity consumption.

    Thermal Carafe
    Most grind and brew coffee machines are large brews. You need to look for one with a thermal carafe so your coffee stays hot for hours. This way, you can still enjoy your cup of coffee hours after brewing it.

    Visit : kaffeepadmaschinentest

    Tuesday, September 7, 2010

    Senseo Klassisch Kaffeepads (48 Kaffee Pads)

    Senseo Klassisch Kaffeepads (48 Kaffee Pads) Review

    Senseo ist gut, aber teuer, fand ich immer. Bis ich diese Großpackung fand! Was heißt auch "Großpackung"? Sie hält bei mir ca. 14 Tage und da man ja eh eine luftdichte Paddose hat, bleiben die Pads tadellos frisch. Absolut empfehlenswert!

    Senseo Klassisch Kaffeepads (48 Kaffee Pads) Feature

    • 48er EXTRA Vorteilspack
    • sehr aromatisch

    Senseo Klassisch Kaffeepads (48 Kaffee Pads) Overview

    Ein Kaffee von vollkommener Ausgewogenheit. Voll, rund, duftend und mit einem angenehmen Aroma. Eine der meist gekauften Sorten weltweit.

    Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

    *** Product Information and Prices Stored: Sep 07, 2010 06:11:15

    Visit : kaffeepadmaschinentest

    Monday, September 6, 2010

    10 Timeless Tips to a Perfect Cup of Coffee

    Few quests in human history have so captivated men and women from around the world than the search for the perfect cup of coffee. Yes, believe it or not, coffee connoisseurs have dedicated entire lifetimes in the pursuit of finding that one cup of the most heavenly coffee ever made. If you're like most people, however, you're just looking for an easy way to make a great-tasting cup of coffee to help get you started in the morning. The following 10 Timeless Tips to a Perfect Cup of Coffee should help you on you your mini-quest.

    1. You Get What You Pay For

    When it comes to coffee makers, quality counts. If you buy the cheapest coffee maker on the market, chances are you'll end up with an equally "discounted" flavor in your cup. To assure yourself of great tasting coffee day after day, check out the Bunn, Cuisinart, Mr. Coffee, Krups, and Senseo brands. Alternatively, check out a French press. For that personal cup of coffee, you can never go wrong with a French press!

    2. Clean as a Whistle

    You wouldn't cook your favorite entrée in a dirty pan, would you? So, why are so many people surprised by how bad their homemade coffee tastes when they use the same coffee pot every day out without ever cleaning it? Try baking soda and water for great cleanse after every pot you make.

    3. It's All in the Bean

    If you aren't grinding your own coffee, where have you bean? The best tasting coffees come from freshly ground, top quality beans. You can savor the flavor of gourmet barista-style coffees right in your own home by simply grinding up small batches of your own brew. To top off the perfect cup, you'll want to use Arabica beans-simply the best in the world! Store your beans and ground coffee in an airtight container in a cool, dark place at a temperature between 50º and 70º F.

    4. Roasted and Toasted-Making the "Most-est" Flavor

    Once you've decided upon the highest quality beans, you'll want to consider how you like your beans roasted. Roasting releases the flavor of the bean and helps determine whether your coffee is mellow, rich, or smooth. Experiment with a variety of roasts and choose which one you like best!

    5. Grind It Up

    Despite the fact that many store-bought coffees say "For All Coffeemakers," selecting the right grind for your coffee maker is key to crafting that perfect cup. A general guideline for grinds includes:

    · Automatic drip: medium grind

    · Plunger or French press: coarse grind

    · Percolator: coarser grind

    · Espresso maker: fine grind

    6. What's in Your Water?

    When it comes to coffee, fresh is the name of the game and, believe it or not, fresh water will make a world of difference in every cup. Think about it: Since your coffee is 99% water, you'll want to make sure you choose the best tasting water you can find. Bottled, distilled, or purified water seems to do the trick for H2O-conscious countless coffee connoisseurs.

    7. Measure It

    To assure yourself of perfection every time, you'll want to make sure you spoon out the correct amount of coffee grinds. Of course, your personal taste preference should be the ultimate judge, but a general rule of thumb is 1 to 2 tablespoons of ground coffee for every six ounces of water.

    8. Bling, Bling in Your Coffee?

    While we're not talking diamonds or platinum, using gold (or stainless steel) mesh filters in your coffee maker will go a long way toward keeping your cup of coffee tasting great. Many paper filters release bleaches, chlorine, and dyes that can leave you with a bitter cup of coffee. If you must use paper, go with unbleached filters for the best results.

    9. Brew It Up Right

    A key to great tasting coffee every time is making sure your water is "off the boil"-a fancy term that simply means "not quite to boiling." To achieve this water temperature, bring your water to a boil and then let it cool down for few moments (195-205° F) and you'll assure yourself of a perfect cup every time.

    10. Drink It Down in Style

    Drink your freshly brewed, gourmet coffee in a glass or porcelain mug. Unless you like the bitter taste, avoid reheating your coffee in either the microwave or on the stove.

    If you keep brewing with these ten timeless tips in mind, you're sure to find your cup runneth over with great tasting coffee every time!

    Related : kaffeepadmaschinentest

    Saturday, September 4, 2010

    Coffee In The Office - The In-Cup Machine

    There are a wide variety of drinks vending machines available these days, so much so that the choice can seem a bit overwhelming. In this article we take a closer look and one particular type of drinks machine - the in-cup drinks machine.

    In cup drinks machines are different from all other types of drinks machine in as much as the ingredients are already prefilled in the plastic cup prior to loading into the machine. The ingredients are purchased from the supplier in this format, so that all that is required is for the stack of prefilled plastic cups to be loaded into the machine.

    Therein lies one of the major benefits of this type of system - it is very easy to load and maintain the machine. More traditional types of machine use hoppers or canisters to hold the loose ingredients which can cause some cross contamination of products when the canisters are topped up and are more prone to spillage and general untidiness. This problem is totally alleviated with in-cup ingredients and all the operator needs to do is put the appropriate stack of in-cup drinks in the right section of the machine.

    For a small office or workshop the typical machine may offer 5 or 6 drink selections. The drink choices may typically be set up as white coffee, black coffee, white tea, chocolate and a soup. However changing drink choice in an in cup machine is incredibly easy and all that is required is to change the stack of prefilled cups in the machine and amend the selection label on the front of the machine.

    Staff or visitors simply make a drink selection, add sugar if required and then add hot water by pushing a button.

    Although primarily considered an instant drinks machine many companies choose the fresh leaf tea option. In this case the plastic cups are pre-filled with tea bag and whitener enabling fresh tea to be served from the machine. Some companies may even be able to offer a fresh coffee option too.

    It should be noted that since the ingredients are prefilled at the factory it is required to purchase both black coffee and white coffee as separate products as the only thing that can be added by the machine is sugar and water.

    In-cup machines are generally extremely reliable as they have very few moving parts and can usually be set up as coin controlled or free vend. This allows the company to cover the cost of the drinks and the machine rental should they wish and even make a profit in some circumstances.

    Generally speaking in-cup machines are an excellent choice for the smaller office, work shop or trade counter. They offer excellent value for money, are extremely flexible and are easy to run and maintain.

    See Also : kaffeepadmaschinentest

    Friday, September 3, 2010

    Does Coffee Have Health Benefits?

    If you've ever seen "My Big Fat Greek Wedding", you'll know that the father character swore that Windex is the solution for every ailment. Similarly, coffee, some would swear, is the elixir of life. So much so, that the sweet aroma of coffee tickles many out of sleep in the morning. Forget an alarm clock, the bed side coffee machine is the way to get me out of bed.

    Coffee is such an intrinsic part of our way of life that not a day goes by without us paying homage to the local cafe, or at worst, the office coffee maker. But this infatuation (err, addiction) to coffee isn't all that bad. Besides the occasional coffee stained teeth, the health benefits of coffee further validate coffee addicts' love of the stuff. No doubt, coffee is near and dear to millions of people around the world, but it's time to put emotions aside and discuss the empirical facts about coffee and its effects on the body; if for no other reason than to give coffee lovers more reason to drink it.

    Scientifically, the compounds found in coffee have the following effects:

    Acts as a Stimulant: The caffeine content in coffee makes it a well-known stimulant. Not only does it interact with the nervous system, but it regulates intestinal functions, blood pressure, and airway size. In aggregate, this leads to the feeling of alertness after consuming coffee, but could also impair sleep, and cause anxiety and jitters.

    Potentially Cause Heartburn: A common complaint of non-coffee drinkers is that they occasionally experience heartburn. There is truth to this as all types of coffee, even decaf sometimes lead to the production of stomach acid.

    Diuretic Features: Caffeine causes kidneys to produce urine to help flush out excess fluid from the body. In some instances, it is so effective as a diuretic, it may even cause slight dehydration.

    Improving Brain Function: Recent studies have shown that heavy coffee drinkers, those that consume 5-6 cups per day have a lower chance of acquiring Alzheimer's disease than those who drink 2-3 cups.

    Alternatively, some health professionals assert that regular caffeine use causes significant health problems including stomach problems, gall bladder disease, and even some forms of cancer. The research however, isn't conclusive enough to say that caffeine is dangerous for cardiac patients or pregnant women. All in all, more research needs to be done into the negative effects of coffee. One study about the association of coffee and pancreatic cancer was discredited as a flawed study. So clearly, there is still much research to be done.

    Besides its stimulating effects, coffee is known for having the following therapeutic characteristics:

    Stimulating Breath: People who have recently gone through surgery are sometimes treated with caffeine to help stimulate breathing. This technique is sometimes even used for premature babies. Furthermore, researchers have shown that caffeine dilates airways, modestly helping asthma patients. For this reason, caffeine intake should be avoided prior to breathing tests so as not to temporarily mask breathing abnormalities a patient may have.

    Treating Headaches: A common ingredient in over the counter pain relief medication is acetaminophen, aspirin, and even caffeine. This may be because some headaches are related to caffeine withdrawal.

    Preventing Disease: Researchers conclude that moderate coffee intake may reduce the risk of diabetes, prostate cancer, Alzheimer's disease, kidney stones, and even depression. Needless to say, maintaining a healthy lifestyle including physical activity and eating lots of fruits and vegetables are key factors as well.

    To summarize, while coffee does have minor health risks, the immense benefits can't be ignored.

    Related : kaffeepadmaschinentest

    Thursday, September 2, 2010

    Bosch TAS4013 TASSIMO Multi-Getränke-Automat rot

    Bosch TAS4013 TASSIMO Multi-Getränke-Automat rot Review

    Ich war auf der Suche nach einer Kaffeemaschine, die vielfältig diverse Kaffeesorten zubereiten kann, ohne dabei viel Aufwand mit Milch aufschäumen etc. bereitet und dabei ein gutes und leckeres Ergebnis liefert.

    Dabei habe ich mich für die Tassimo entschieden, weil es hier eine breite Produktpalette von normalen Cafe, über Cappucino, Latte Macciato, Kakao und Kakao gibt.

    Die Bedienung ist wirklich einfach, mit ein zwei Knopfdrücken. Das Gerät hat einen kleinen Scanner und liest so bei den diversen T-Discs einfach ab was es zu tun hat. Das Ergebnis kann sich wirklich sehen und schmecken lassen.
    Mittlerweile habe ich wirklich viele Sorten ausprobiert und bin begeistert. Der Cappucino und der Latte schmeckt wirklich als ob man ihn in einem guten Café bestellt hätte.
    Auch der Starbucks Kaffee und der Kakao von Milka, der sogar mit Milch zubereitet wird ist sehr lecker.
    Die Milch T-Discs kann man sogar separat kaufen, so dass man sich auch sehr gut einen Café au lait zubereiten kann. Auch produziert die Maschine einen wirklich guten und reichlichen Milchschaum.

    Für Leute, die sehr, sehr viel und einfachen Kaffee trinken möchten, ist die Maschine vlt etwas ungeeignet, da die T-Discs doch etwas teurer sind als normale Pads oder Filterkaffee.
    Wer aber so wie ich jeden Tag 1 - 2 Tassen trinkt und dabei ein richtig gutes und auch mal besonderes Getränk möchte, ohne das Geld für einen Vollautomat auszugeben, tut sich mit diesem Gerät einen großen Gefallen.

    Auch das Reinigen ist kein Problem, die Teile können ohne viel Aufwand auseinander genommen werden und lassen sich in der Spülmaschine reinigen.

    Der Wassertank kann einfach abgenommen werden und das Reinigen in warmen Spülwasser ist kein Problem, auch ist die Abdeckung mit Lüftungsschlitzen versehen, so dass Sauerstoff an das Wasser kommt.

    Des Weiteren nimmt das Gerät auch nicht viel Platz in der Küche (auch nicht mehr als eine handelsübliche Kaffeemaschine)weg und ist in verschiedenen Farben erhältlich, so dass es in einer modernen Erscheinung daher kommt.

    Ich bin mit meiner Wahl sehr zufrieden und genieße die Auswahl.

    Bosch TAS4013 TASSIMO Multi-Getränke-Automat rot Feature

    • Leistung: 1600 Watt
    • Hauptfarbe: Glamour Red
    • Getränkeart: Caffè Crema, Cappuccino, Espresso, Filterkaffee, Heiße Milch, Heiße Schokolade, Latte Macchiato, Tee
    • Brühsystem: 3.3 bar Druck
    • Stiftung Warentest: Gut (2,5)

    Bosch TAS4013 TASSIMO Multi-Getränke-Automat rot Overview

    TAS 4013 Tassimo - Kaffee-Kapsel-Maschine

    Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

    *** Product Information and Prices Stored: Sep 02, 2010 05:40:23

    Tags : kaffeepadmaschinentest

    Monday, August 30, 2010

    Top 5 Electric Kettles

    As with anyone who has set up a home, you understand that buying the right appliances for your kitchen can make the difference between a smooth and effective kitchen or an unreliable, inconsistent nightmare. It is generally considered that buying the best you can afford is always good advice. But when we all have different budgets, how can we know which is the best appliance for us?

    To help make a decision on which electric kettle to buy, keep in mind the following factors;

    Reliability -- boiling water might seem like a simple task that one can do using a pan and a stove, but sometimes even the appliances we buy that are designed to simply boil water can't even do that. So we want to know that the product will work, every time.

    Safety - this is probably the most important factor. Buying reputable brands will ensure the safest choice. Safety features will also be more abundant in the more expensive brands, where as the cheaper brands will have only minimum safety factors.

    Power -- depending on how quickly you want your boiled water will depend on how powerful you want your kettle to be. Power is another of those features that gets better or higher with a higher price tag. But for most of us, any kettle will probably do.

    Styling -- this is a feature that we all care about, probably the most after safety. A kettle sits on your bench top all year round and will need to suit your kitchen décor. Whether you go for brushed stainless steel, white plastic, or shiny chrome finish, the style factor of your kettle will most likely be proportionate to the amount you spend.

    Durability -- durability is not something that always goes according to price. Sometimes the cheapest kettles from a super market will outlast the most stylish, expensive offering from a premium brand. It's good to go with recommendations in this regard, or perhaps ask the store clerk what brand has the most returns.
    Top 5 Electric Kettles

    Kambrook KAK36 1.7LT Cordless Kettle
    This well priced, mid-range kettle has a simple, white design and is cordless which is a great safety and practical feature. At the lower end of the price spectrum, this is a simple, good quality appliance.

    Sunbeam KE9200S Cafe Series Kettle
    This kettle on the higher end of the price range, but wow does it look great. The clean, sleek lines of this Sunbeam Café Series Kettle will look amazing on any bench top. The polished stainless steel and cord storage will ensure this stylish kettle always looks impressive and will take pride of place in your kitchen.

    Delonghi KBH2401 1.7 Lt Kettle
    The Delonghi 1.7 litre kettle, with it's modern, sleek design will look great in any modern kitchen. The price of this electric kettle is justified by it's three level safety features.

    Russel Hobbs Edinburgh Satin Cordless Kettle R/RHK2
    This is a long standing favourite and reputable kettle and small appliance brand. Russel Hobbs kettles will usually deliver a great quality product with a great design. This cute, polished stainless steel kettle looks homely and old fashioned with the top fitted, curved handle. The price is good and the style is excellent.

    Tiffany 1.7L Corded Automatic Kettle
    As far as electric kettles go, a Tiffany kettle is a favourite on the market. One of the first ports of call for any home leaver, this kettle might not be stainless steel or super flashy but it will do the job and costs very little. With some decent safety features and not a bad style factor, this corded kettle will boil water and keep boiling water for many years to come.

    Recommend : kaffeepadmaschinentest

    Sunday, August 29, 2010

    Turn Your Kitchen Into a Gourmet Coffee Shop

    If you often visit a local coffee shop, you may find that the atmosphere is relaxing, calming and enjoyable. Do you sometimes wish you could recreate that atmosphere in your own home? If you love all things coffee and the ambiance a coffee shop offers, you should consider decorating your kitchen like a coffee shop. Not only will it bring warmth to your home, it will set a calming mood and will be very welcoming to visitors.

    Rich, warm colors are inviting

    When considering how to decorate your kitchen to mimic the feeling of a coffee shop, think about the colors that many coffee shops use in their decor. Some of these include chocolate browns, deep purples, oranges and deep reds. These warm tones are what lend to the warm, relaxing atmosphere. An eggshell color will add lighter tones to the room and bring the look all together.

    Decorating is the second key thing to consider when adding coffee shop appeal to your kitchen. Expand your display area by hanging shelves on bare walls; use cherry wood or black shelves to create extra storage and add a bit of your own unique personality to the room. Also, put your teapot or coffee mug collection on shelves or just display them on the counter. Put other coffee related antiques on display as well; this will bring that coffee shop feel to the area, and also be a great conversation starter with visitors. Your kitchen should have a coffee or espresso maker that is up-to-date, as well as matching kitchen appliances such as a new toaster oven.

    Choosing artwork for the walls

    Coffee themed artwork is perfect for the walls; this can include coffee cup images or other rendered works of art related to java or mocha. Create groupings on one wall for a cozy themed corner. You may also want to consider mixing coffee artwork with modern abstract prints for an eclectic look that is bold and striking. Old-fashioned coffee shops often use chalkboards for advertising the daily specials or to promote a new menu item. You can steal this idea by hanging a large chalkboard in your kitchen to write down grocery needs, to-do items or a weekly meal menu! This adds a charming and unique touch to your kitchen.

    You may also want to add a "conversation" area to the kitchen where you can visit with guests and enjoy coffee and a muffin. In one corner of the room, use overstuffed chairs and a small occasional table flanked by a floor lamp with a metallic base and brightly colored shade.

    The small accents often make the biggest impact! If you use packaged coffee, display it in baskets on your counter tops or kitchen table. Plants, a magazine rack, and a few modern hanging sconces for subtle lighting complete your coffee shop kitchen.

    With a little creativity and the ideas above, you can transform a normal kitchen into one with all of the ambiance of your favorite coffee shop - and save money by making your own cuppa joe!

    Related : kaffeepadmaschinentest

    Saturday, August 28, 2010

    Krups KP 2106 Nescafé Dolce Gusto; glänzend rot Testsieger Stiftung Warentest 12/09

    Krups KP 2106 Nescafé Dolce Gusto; glänzend rot Testsieger Stiftung Warentest 12/09 Review

    Super Cappuccino, super Latte Macchiato - schmeckt sehr lecker.
    Also schon dafür hat es sich gelohnt, auch die anderen Kaffeezusammenstellungen sind sehr ordentlich.
    Die Qualität der Maschine ist gut, die Bedienung einfach, Reinigungsaufwand gering. In Verbindung mit dem
    30 Euro Gutschein ein günstiger Kauf, schnelle Lieferung und einfache Abwicklung.
    Die einfachen Kaffeesorten schmecken gut, nur ist eben der Preis für eine Tasse bei der Dolce Gusto recht hoch.
    Und da der normale Kaffee aus einer Senseo auch sehr gut schmeckt aber erheblich günstiger ist - da nutze ich eben im täglichen Gebrauch doch eine andere Maschine und die Dolce Gusto bleibt für den "Extra-Genuss"

    Krups KP 2106 Nescafé Dolce Gusto; glänzend rot Testsieger Stiftung Warentest 12/09 Feature

    • Innovatives Design
    • Professionelle Technik von Krups
    • Hervorragende Verarbeitung
    • Einfache Bedienung

    Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

    *** Product Information and Prices Stored: Aug 28, 2010 21:15:35

    Friends Link : kaffeepadmaschinentest

    Friday, August 27, 2010

    Krups KP 2100 Nescafé Dolce Gusto; matt schwarz Testsieger Stiftung Warentest 12/09

    Krups KP 2100 Nescafé Dolce Gusto; matt schwarz Testsieger Stiftung Warentest 12/09 Review

    Wir hatten bereits das Vorgängermodell. Leider ging diese nach 3 Jahren kaputt. Der AN/AUS Schalter hat seinen Geist aufgegeben. Natürlich habe ich versucht diesen selber zu reparieren. Die halbe Maschine habe ich auseinander gebaut, aber denkste man kommt an diesen Schalter ran. Keine Chance, vielleicht habe ich auch irgendwo was übersehen. Egal, wir haben jetzt die Neue.

    Der Kaffee, Latte Machiatto, Espresso usw. wird in gewohnter Top Quali per Pads aufgelöst und mit 15Bar in die Tasse gepumpt. Das gibt einen ordentlichen Espresso mit sehr guter Crema. Besser kanns auch nicht der Italiener um die Ecke.

    Wer sich drüber aufregt, dass man den Wasserzufluß selber reglen mus, den kann man nicht mehr helfen. Einmal Wahlhebel nach rechts oder links, Tasse voll machen und Wahlhebel wieder zurück auf Ausgangsposition...fertig. Was ist daran so schwer? Da brauche ich auch keine Schablone wo ich abschauen muss wieviel Wasser wo reinkommt. Bei einer Espresso Tasse kann das doch nicht schwer sein. Bei einer Kaffeetasse genauso wenig. Wenn man sieht das das Milchpulver immer wässriger wird, dann stoppt man die Wasserzufuhr. Genau so beim Kaffee...zack die Bohne und alles ist paletti. Darauf jetzt erstmal einen Espresso.

    Preis/Leistungsverhältniss: Top
    Kaufempfehlung: auf jeden Fall

    Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

    *** Product Information and Prices Stored: Aug 27, 2010 21:10:33

    Thanks To : kaffeepadmaschinentest

    Thursday, August 26, 2010

    Can I Find a Keurig Coffee Machine in Asia?

    It is not so much about the keurig coffee machine but rather the coffee from this company that you would want to find in Asia. If you are based in Asia, you can get a b30 which you can bring easily into Asia, but the question is where to look for the k-cups.

    Some of you might be thinking about online purchase, almost everywhere that you go to, it should have an internet connection right? While, it is true that Asia is very wired and you would have no issue in surfing the net, there is still the country regulation to take note of.

    Every country has their own version of what is allowed and what would be prevented into their country. And usually, when they are in doubt or the item are not listed, they would simply not allowed the products into their country.

    And single serve coffee is not a very popular item in this region yet, so the chances are quite high that the k-cups that you purchased would not pass through custom.

    These are gloomy news, but you do not have to worry about it. This is because, keurig has formed a partnership with UCC to roast and market their coffee in this part of the world.

    UCC or Ueshima Coffee Company is a very well known coffee company in Asia. Other than being the largest regular coffee company in Asia, it is also very well established with close to 70 years of coffee roasting and marketing history.

    And when they formed this joint venture, you would practically find this coffee in most parts of Asia where coffee enjoy huge following. And as a foreigner based in Asia, these are also the places that you would most likely be based.

    The country where it is being marketed includes Indonesia, Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Philippines, Korea, Taiwan and China. These are countries that have a huge market of local coffee drinkers and are also places where many expatriates are based.

    So, these are the places where you find your machine and the coffee that you enjoyed. In fact, if you are not in these places, I believe most of the places are close enough that you can make a weekend trip to pick it up.

    See Also : kaffeepadmaschinentest

    Wednesday, August 25, 2010

    Philips HD7001/00 Padhalter Espresso für Senseo HD7810 und HD7812

    Philips HD7001/00 Padhalter Espresso für Senseo HD7810 und HD7812 Review

    Eigentlich wollte ich ja eine Espressomaschine erwerben,
    aber in dem Wirrwarr der Angebote konnte ich mich bisher nicht

    Wir hatten ja auch immer noch die Senseo-Padmaschine,
    mit der wir eigentlich recht zufrieden waren.
    Aus Versehen hatten wir uns die Espressopads gekauft
    und mußten feststellen, daß wir dazu noch Zubehör brauchten.
    Etwas tricky ist, daß es ja mittlerweile einige Senseo-Versionen gibt
    und man dazu unterschiedliche Padhalter benötigt.
    Mit einem Blick auf den Boden der Maschine konnte man jedoch den
    passenden Padhalter raussuchen.

    Der padhalter funktioniert gut,der daraus hergestellte Espresso schmeckte gut
    und hatte eine recht gute Crema....
    da 80ml produziert werden, stellen wir 2 Espressotassen darunter...
    eine einzele Espressotasse läuft sonst über....

    Im Anbetracht des niedrigen Preises eine sehr gute Wirkung.
    Wer schon eine Senseo hat, sollte darüber nachdenken, sich dieses Zusatuteil
    zu kaufen.

    Philips HD7001/00 Padhalter Espresso für Senseo HD7810 und HD7812 Feature

    • Pad-Halter
    • Spzeziell für Espreso-Pads
    • Passend für HD 7810 - 7812

    Philips HD7001/00 Padhalter Espresso für Senseo HD7810 und HD7812 Overview

    Klein, stark, schwarz: Mit den Senseo Espresso Kaffeepads und dem speziellen Senseo Typ Espresso Padhalter zaubern Sie im Handumdrehen einen kleinen, starken Espresso. Senseo Padhalter HD7001, geeignet für Senseo Serie HD 7810, HD 7811 und HD 7812 (NICHT GEEIGNET FÜR DIE HD 7800).

    Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

    *** Product Information and Prices Stored: Aug 25, 2010 09:00:23

    See Also : kaffeepadmaschinentest

    Tuesday, August 24, 2010

    Flavia Coffee Machines - Have You Been Thinking About Getting a Flavia Coffee Machine?

    What is worse than bumper to bumper traffic during the morning commute? Losing those extra ten minutes you gave yourself to stop by your favorite coffee shop for your morning java fix of course. The next thing you know, you are at your desk deciding to settle for the dreaded office coffee when the piles of work come rolling in and then even that plan goes down the drain. This is where Flavia coffee machines come to the rescue.

    Flavia Coffee Machine

    Flavia coffee machines are quickly becoming an office and waiting room commodity because of their cost-effectiveness, low maintenance, efficiency, and size. The easy to use system involves choosing your drink from an assortment of drink packs. Choose from not only a variety of fresh ground coffees but teas and even hot chocolate as well. Once you have made your selection, all you have to do is to place the drink pack into the machine, press a button and that's it! Your coffee is ready that and the only cleanup required is the throwing away of your used drink pack.

    Flavia coffee machines are extremely low maintenance and ideal for smaller offices or low volume waiting rooms. The available accessories like cups, holders, sugar sticks and drink packs can all be neatly displayed in an easy to access display case along with other items as well.

    However, if you are more interested in treating just yourself as opposed to watching the entire office bounce of the walls, Flavia also offers the Creation 400. This is a smaller, tabletop machine that operates in a similar way with brew-by-pack technology. Again, you simply select your drink, place it in the machine and you're good to go...and go...and go.

    Home Coffee Machines

    Every day the technology is getting more advanced and providing us with more efficient methods of obtaining the absolute best of whatever we can set our sights on. The days of instant water with a hint of coffee are disappearing faster than you can swing from the rafters after a double shot mocha breve. No whip.

    Choose from any of the coffee machines by Flavia and you will undoubtedly receive a high quality product that is free from hassle and delivers a number of wonderful hot beverages instantly. With Flavia coffee machines to look forward to, I'm even betting you will be looking forward to getting to your office regardless of morning traffic jams.

    Related : kaffeepadmaschinentest

    Monday, August 23, 2010

    durgol Spezial-Entkalker 2 Flaschen a 125ml

    durgol Spezial-Entkalker 2 Flaschen a 125ml Review

    Vorweg sei erst einmal gesagt, daß jegliche Säure reizend u. daher bitte mit Vorsicht zu verwenden ist, das lernt man ja schon von Kindesbeinen an. Darum kann ich auch nicht ganz nachvollziehen warum das Produkt hier mit einem Stern von einem Rezensenten "abgewatscht" wird, schließlich soll man es ja nicht Trinken.

    Daß man die Flaschen in denen sich der Entkalker befindet vorsichtig öffnet u. ebenso vorsichtig verwendet steht doch wohl außer Frage für jeden Menschen der noch bei Sinnen ist.

    Nun aber genug der einführenden Worte!

    Der Entkalker selbst ist nach meiner bisherigen Erfahrung sehr gut geeignet um sogenannte "Kaffeevollautomaten" zu entkalken, daher kann ich ihn auch nur wärmstens empfehlen.

    Die Anwendung ist absolut einfach, den Inhalt eines Portionsfläschchens schüttet man in den Wassertank, dann schüttet man noch einen Liter Leitungswasser dazu, ab in die Maschine damit, Entkalkungsvorgang starten u. fertig.

    Das Entkalkungsprogramm läuft dann ganz von alleine durch.
    Zum guten Schluß spült man den Wassertank noch sorgfältig mit einem Geschirrspülmittel aus, damit keine Entkalkerreste im Wassertank verbleiben u. füllt ihn abermals mit Wasser voll u. läßt dieses Wasser noch einmal komplett durchlaufen.

    Wem das noch zu wenig ist, der kann den Vorgang beliebig oft wiederholen, obwohl es laut Hersteller nur einmal erforderlich ist.
    Die Entkalkerflüssigkeit selber ist klar u. riecht nach nichts.

    Da die Packung gleich zwei Fläschchen Entkalker enthält ist das Produkt auch noch einigermaßen preiswert.

    Für Leute mit Kaffeevollautomaten einfach unerläßlich, wenn mal lange Freude an seiner Maschine haben will.

    Ich haber bisher jedenfalls nichts Besseres u. Einfacheres gefunden !!!

    durgol Spezial-Entkalker 2 Flaschen a 125ml Feature

    • durgol® swiss espresso®
    • Spezial-Entkalker für Kaffeevollautomaten, Halbautomaten, Kolbenmaschinen und KaffeepadAutomaten.
    • Hochwirksam und einfach anzuwenden.
    • Gebrauchsfertig.
    • 2 Portionen à 125ml Spezial-Entkalker je Verkaufseinheit.

    durgol Spezial-Entkalker 2 Flaschen a 125ml Overview

    Durgol swiss espresso Spezial-Entkalker für Kaffeevollautomaten, Kaffeemaschinen und Kaffeepadmaschinen.? Entkalkt und pflegt hochwertige Geräte aller Marken extrem gründlich und schnell? Hochwirksam und einfach anzuwenden.? Gebrauchsfertig.Warum sollten Sie entkalken? Kalkbelege können:? die Geräte verstopfen? zur Überbeanspruchung von Heizelementen führen? die Korrosion von Materialien fördern? den Energieaufwand erhöhenund dadurch die die Qualität Ihres Kaffees mindern.Deshalb: Entkalken Sie regelmäßig mit durgol swiss espresso und Verlängern Sie die Lebensdauer Ihree Kaffeemaschine!Inhalt: 2 Portionen à 125ml Spezial-Entkalker

    Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

    *** Product Information and Prices Stored: Aug 23, 2010 04:00:30

    Related : kaffeepadmaschinentest

    Sunday, August 22, 2010

    How To Pick The Best Coffee Maker For Your Needs

    Nearly every coffee lover would like to have the best coffee maker in their own home and office. For the serious coffee lover, even the RV must have a perfect machine. But different machines fit different people and different locations. For those interested in aesthetics, nearly any finish, color, and style of a machine can be found.

    More pragmatic variations exist in coffee machines. You can get automatic coffee machines, espresso, French presses, vacuum, drip, pods, and stove top types. Additionally, nearly all of these machines can specialize in producing hot or cold brewed coffee. Many of these machines also do the coffee grinding for you.

    There are hundreds of companies that have their brands on at least one type of machine. Among the most common types of makers are Sunbeam, Senseo, Saeco, Breville, Delonghi, and Jura.

    In addition to coming in a variety of colors, these machines can be made of a variety of materials. Plastic, stainless steal, and glass are the most common materials composing coffee machines. The main material to be aware of is shatterproof glass. You want your carafe to be shatterproof glass.

    If you have a giant kitchen or a large office coffee room, you will want to get a commercial type that can make twenty or more cups of coffee at one time. Many of these commercial machines will also include some very nice extra features such as a thermostat, warming plate, filter, timer, and frothing system. As you might guess, a machine with most of these features can be quite expensive. The main thing to remember is that the price can be adjusted downward by doing without various features. Some have found the price reasonable enough to buy one of these models for the home.

    Which brings us to the closing concept of shopping within your budget among your options. If the machine doesn't make the kind of coffee you drink the most, you probably don't want to spend much money on it. For example, if you mostly drink cappuccino, how often will you really use the machine instead of an instant cappuccino or going to the coffee shop for cappuccino? Save up and shop for a good cappuccino maker in this case as you'll be much happier with it. You should always shop around until you can find the best coffee maker that makes the perfect coffee for you within your budget.

    Visit : kaffeepadmaschinentest

    Saturday, August 21, 2010

    The Wide World of Best Coffee Machines

    Likely the most basic type of coffee machine that people might recall from their childhood is the percolator. This machine isn't really complicated. There is a pot, with a built in filter made of metal and basket with a tube going from the base of the pot up into the basket. When the water in pot's body boils, the water is sucked up the tube into the basket of coffee. As the boiling water seeps into the coffee grounds, best coffee is made. In the early days these were built to be placed onto a open burner but nowadays they are built for table top use and are plugged in.

    An mechanical drip machine is likely the most popular today. They are placed on you bench top and include a glass carafe for the coffee to drip into. There is a heated plate under the jug to keep the coffee warm. You pour water into the tank, and after the machine is powered on, the water is forced through the basket area where the coffee grounds are put in a filter. These are easy to operate and make a decent pot of coffee. But is this the best coffee.

    Most people just cannot get moving in the morning without their daily shot of coffee. There are many different types of coffee machines that you can make that first pot of coffee and they all have their pro's and cons's. But which one is able of making the best coffee? Do you have to invest a lot of money for a good coffee machine or will a less expensive one work just as well

    The latest coffee machine in the shops is the pod system. Every machine has its own particular brand of pod and that is the only type of pod that can be used in that specific machine. The pods themselves come in a reasonably wide variety of flavors so it is not hard to find the coffee you like. Usually a pod will produce one cup of coffee, which is great if you only want a single cup of coffee. If you enjoy having an entire pot available, a pod coffee machine may not be the best machine for you.

    Acquiring a machine that works best for you won't be difficult. There are a fairly wide variety of coffee machines available to purchase and many have very nice features that you may pay extra for, but are probably worth it. Imagine coming home in the evening to a fresh, full decanter of coffee just waiting for you. All you have to do is buy a good quality coffee machine and you'll be all set.

    Visit : kaffeepadmaschinentest

    Friday, August 20, 2010

    WMF 1 Kaffeepadmaschine 0699909014 Stone Sonderedition

    WMF 1 Kaffeepadmaschine 0699909014 Stone Sonderedition Review

    WMF 1 Kaffeepadmaschine 0699909014 Stone Sonderedition Feature

    • Herausragendes WMF Design
    • Integrierte Tasse
    • Praktische Einknopfbedienung
    • Integrierter Wassertank
    • Passende Kaffeepads für diese Kaffeemaschine:
      Alle handelsüblichen Kaffeepads mit einem Außendurchmesser von ca. 70mm und einem Innendurchmesser ca. 60mm.

    Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

    *** Product Information and Prices Stored: Aug 20, 2010 03:35:28

    Thanks To : kaffeepadmaschinentest

    Thursday, August 19, 2010

    Laranzato Green 2 Compact, Automatic Commercial Espresso Machine Review

     You can do whatever you want to. Now, if you are thinking of buying anew espresso machine for your restaurant or for a coffee shop or a coffee house that you own or manage then this is the perfect one for you, especially since this item is made by the Laranzato Company then it must be very good. There are no reviews available for this espresso machine yet but it could also be a very good sign meaning people are speechless or there is just nothing that they want to say because it is just so good. If you are one of the owners or buyers of the Laranzato espresso machine then you would really speak out and say all the things that you want to say, all your complaints and all your concerns and issues regarding the product.

    This fantasic coffee maker has nothing so amazing about it, aesthetically speaking that is. It is just a very simple looking machine but also very clean, decent and professional looking. It is better to have an espresso machine that is like this so that any time you want to change your theme or the motif of your place then you do not need to change your espresso maker, meaning it is very flexible and it will really blend well with your other kitchen appliances and other stuff. By just looking at the machine you would also know right there and then that this item is built to last years and years, even if you use it for several times in a day, because it is originally built to work 24/7 so there is no need to worry.

    The materials used in this espresso machines are only those of first-class materials so you would not be worried about making a lot of trips to your favorite repair shop or call your resident handyman regularly to have this espresso machine fixed or checked, you will definitely spared by all that, you can sleep well every night and really have all that peace of mind.

    Visit : kaffeepadmaschinentest

    Wednesday, August 18, 2010

    Cuisinart Coffee Maker - Tips on How to Prolong Your Coffee Machine Lifespan

    It is important that you take good care of your machine to ensure that they will serve you well. I personally have a Cuisinart Grind & Brew Coffee Maker which I have use for years without problem. This is because I take good care of it. I am going to share with you some good tips on how to prolong the life of your machine by proper maintenance.

    I have notice that Cuisinart coffee maker parts need proper care to ensure their lifetime. This is because they are top notch machine which perform better compare to other brands and its parts are more flimsy. It is very important that you take care of them.

    Many people do not know that location is important, this means that you must find a strategic place to put your Cuisinart coffee maker. This machine like said are build with high technology and have many electronically parts that are quite sensitive in nature. Always make sure that you find a place not to near to high temperature like near stoves or oven or even places near the back of radiators or refrigerators. The consequence of that is you might encounter more breakdowns if you place them at extreme temperature places. Do take note of this simple tip might lead you to lower costs of maintaining your coffee machine.

    The best place I would suggest putting your Cuisinart coffee maker is at your kitchen counter top. They are not very bulky in nature and also stylish in a way thus just place them at your kitchen countertop.

    Personally mine does not have any problems and I have not replaced any parts for years.

    The next important tip is cleaning your Cuisinart coffee maker. For me personally, I clean my machine every time after use. Yes I know it is hard for most people but I would advise that if you want them to perform longer, you need to do this. The reason is that the residual oil of the coffee beans would turn into rancid and if you do not rinse them off it will eat your parts up. So the best way is to clean them after use. If you really do not have the time, at least make an effort to rinse them off especially the carafe.

    Cleaning your Cuisinart coffee maker is very important like I say earlier. It is a very good way to pro long their lifespan and you would be ensure that it will brew you the best coffee every day. If you really do not have the time you should at least wash them twice a week if you are a daily brewer.

    My last tip on ways to pro long your Cuisinart coffee maker is you need to gauge how frequently you brew coffee. If you are those people that brew 2 to 3 times a day half capacity, this may wear off your machine in the long run. Try to cut it down by brewing a full pot once daily. This is because when you are brewing at half pot capacity, you are stressing your machine in a way. Try to purchase a coffee machine that caters to your capacity needs. If there is not so many people that drinks coffee, do not buy a 12 cup brewing machines. Try to look at your needs before buying.

    Simple rite, these 3 steps if you follow them, I could guarantee you that your Cuisinart coffee maker will serve you long and well trouble free.

    My Links : kaffeepadmaschinentest

    Tuesday, August 17, 2010

    Philips HD 7546/20 Gaia Therm Thermos Kaffemaschine

    Philips HD 7546/20 Gaia Therm Thermos Kaffemaschine Review

    Ich war bisher ein Verfechter von gut gebrühtem Kaffee durch Krups Kaffeemaschinen -
    da ich diese Maschine noch nicht kannte. Die Rezessionen haben mich vom Kauf überzeugt ohne es bereut zu haben.

    Alle angeführten positiven Eigenschaften kann ich nur bestätigen, es ist einfach eine Klasse Maschine, daher nur wenige Ergänzungen:

    Auf der Angebotsseite wird beschrieben, dass sich die Maschine nach 2h abschaltet - sie schaltet sich sofort ab sobald alles Wasser durchgelaufen ist. Einmal angeschaltet kann man sie aber auch nicht mehr stoppen bis alles Wasser durchgelaufen ist (oder man zieht den Stecker). Ist gewöhnungsbedürftig, doch wie oft braucht man das?

    Als Manko wird hier beschrieben, das man die Maschine mit 2 Händen anschalten muss, da der Schalter so schwergängig ist und die Maschine nach hinten verschiebt.
    Der Schalter hat einen starken Druckpunkt - doch eine Einhandbedienung war völlig problemlos, die Maschine hat sich bei mir nicht bewegt. Ich bin auf die Suche gegangen und wurde fündig: Steht die Kanne in der Maschine + ist Wasser in der Maschine und die Maschine bewegt sich keinen mm.
    Ist die Maschine leer + ohne Kanne, dann ist der Druckpunkt des Schalters zu hoch und die Maschine steht nicht mehr 100% still.

    Doch - warum sollte man dann die Maschine anmachen?

    Man kann sich auch Probleme suchen!

    Tipp für alle die Ihre Kaffekanne in der Maschine stehen lassen:
    Kanne direkt aus der Maschine entfernen wenn der Kaffe durchgelaufen ist!

    Der Verschluss wird aufgedrückt um den Kaffee einlaufen zu lassen. Ist die Maschine durchgelaufen, steht der Verschluss natürlich weiterhin ein wenig auf. Die heiße Luft des Kaffee entweicht und der Inhalt kühlt merklich ab.

    Philips HD 7546/20 Gaia Therm Thermos Kaffemaschine Feature

    • Für heißen und frisch zubereiteten Kaffee
    • Hält Ihren Kaffee länger heiß und aromatisch
    • Schaltet sich nach 2 Stunden automatisch ab, damit Sie sich keine Sorgen machen müssen
    • Tropf-Stopp-Funktion zum beliebigen Unterbrechen des Brühvorgangs

    Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

    *** Product Information and Prices Stored: Aug 17, 2010 03:20:26

    See Also : kaffeepadmaschinentest

    Monday, August 16, 2010

    Kaffeepadmaschine KM 42.72 inkl. Milchaufschäumer

    Kaffeepadmaschine KM 42.72 inkl. Milchaufschäumer Review

    Das Gerät erfüllt alle meine Erwartungen hinichtlich Kaffe, Cappuccinno, Milchschäumen und ist sehr formschön und in der Farbe blau. Ich kann auch normales Kaffeepulver verwenden, dadurch ist es auf die Dauer preiswert. Die Zubreeitung geht sehr schnell und unkompliziert.

    Kaffeepadmaschine KM 42.72 inkl. Milchaufschäumer Overview

    Leistung: 1600 W
    1 Tasse
    max. Anzahl der Tassen: 2
    Tassenfüllmenge: 300 ml

    Druck- und Heizsystem

    elektronische Temperaturregelung
    Milch-Aufschäumer mit Ansaugautomatik
    abnehmbare Abtropfschale
    abnehmbares Abtropfgitter

    Bedienung durch Druck-Tasten
    Tassenfüllmenge manuell einstellbar
    Wasserbehälter-Volumen: 1.3 l
    herausnehmbarer Wasserbehälter


    Filter-Einsatz für 1-2 Tassen
    Filter für Portionsbeutel
    Dosierung durch Filter-Portionspackung

    Hinweis: Tasse und Milchkännchen sind Dekoration und nicht im Lieferumfang enthalten!

    Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

    *** Product Information and Prices Stored: Aug 16, 2010 03:15:16

    See Also : kaffeepadmaschinentest